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Meersburg Castle

Nature sights, Art and culture, Museum

High above Lake Constance rises "The Meersburg", the landmark of the region. The old Meersburg, the new Meersburg Castle and the excellently preserved town as well as the vineyards around the town make the visit a special experience.

The old Meersburg Castle was already opened to the public at the end of the 19th century. It is undoubtedly one of the main attractions on Lake Constance.A visit to the castle and the museum will take you into history. The oldest castle in Germany has a lot to tell.

More than 30 furnished rooms are shown! So you can see an old castle kitchen, the Dürnitz, the palace, the hall of arms, the knights' hall and the well room, the castle dungeon, the stable, the north bastion and much more.

Schloßplatz 10
88709 Meersburg

Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

From 1841 to 1848, the famous German poet Annette von Droste-Hülshoff lived at Meersburg Castle during her stays at Lake Constance.
She also died at the castle on May 24, 1848. Her living quarters and the room where she died are part of the tour.

A culinary tip: Combine your visit to Meersburg with a great wine tasting at the Meersburg State Winery.

Kinder & Familie

  • Suitable for toddlers
  • Children are welcome
  • Children's dishes

Parken & Anreise

  • Arrival by bus & train possible
  • Bicycle parking
  • free parking spaces
  • Motorcycle parking


  • in any weather
  • for groups
  • for children & families
  • indoor

47.693840017448, 9.2708

Last updated
11.07.2024, 12:51:36